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[Retail Webinar Series] Four-Part Package

This series takes participants through all aspects of running a climbing gym retail shop.

Whether you're just starting out or are deep into your journey, this series has something for you. The CWA gathered professionals in all stages of the process, from brand new gym owners to gyms with highly established shops.

Don't miss this opportunity to increase your profit margins, get more out of your shop, and boost your bottom line. Purchase the on-demand recordings of all four sessions - together!

Interested in just one session?
  1. How to Incorporate Retail in a Business Plan: Pre-opening considerations, discussed by Chris Horton.
  2. You Started a Retail Program, Now What? Paul Guarino talks about budget and quick ways to grow your retail business.
  3. A Gym's Retail Journey: Learn about a unique approach to marketing your retail program to a specific audience.
  4. How to Sell Products in Your Shop: Sales rep Kurt Smith gives a peek behind the curtain of how to actually make sales.
Non-Member Price: $75
Member Price: $50