
People working on a certification course for the CWA

The CWA Certification Program's goal is to increase professionalism, quality of service, and reduce risk in the indoor climbing industry.

Why Certification?

Certification programs offer the participant an opportunity to deepen their knowledge about equipment, tricks, and tips, how to instruct in many ways, and most importantly, they provide a chance to meet others in our industry who have had different experiences.

Certification is also an excellent motivator for staff. As humans we like to progress, and progressing requires learning more and becoming more skilled by being challenged out of our comfort zones. Well-trained and skilled staff increase their job satisfaction and the industry's professionalism as a whole.

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A certified instructor or staff person will have already demonstrated to a third-party observer their competency. The documentation of this competency provides a level of protection from scrutiny if and when something happens at an indoor climbing gym.

Explore Our Certifications

CWI Level 1

The prerequisite to join our CWI Level 1 course you must be 16 yrs of age and have some climbing experience. The course is offered in a blended format with online content followed by a skills assessment.

Successful completion of the certification prepares the candidate for these roles and responsibilities in an indoor climbing facility:

  • Maintain the requirements of certification as outlined in the Certification Program Policy Manual
  • Comply with CWI Certification Standard practices as outlined in the student manual
  • Act as a climbing wall worker offering orientations, and monitoring climbing activities
CWI Level 2

With maturing to 18 yrs of age, climbing 5.8 over 20 top rope climbing outings and the practice belaying with an assisted belay device and a passive belay device, a CWI Level 1 certificant can register for the CWI Level 2 course. The CWI Level 2 is offered in a blended learning format with online content and demonstration of both technical skills and instructional skills.

Once certified, a CWI Level 2 candidate can fulfill these roles and responsibilities:

  • All responsibilities of Level 1
  • Use equipment that meets the CWA Certification Standard for climbing activities
  • Cultivate an instructional environment that cultivates trust and learning.
  • Use appropriate communication skills and instructional skills to prepare climbers
  • Act as a climbing facility monitor, offer orientations, belay checks, and orientations for top rope climbing
CWI Level 3

When a CWI Level 2 certificant has 40 lead climbing outings and progresses to climbing 5.9, the certificant is ready for the CWI Level 3 course. The course is delivered in a blended learning format with an assessment of the knowledge, technical skills, instructional skills, and the ability to make sound judgments.

These are the roles and responsibilities for all individuals certified at CWI Level 3:

  • All responsibilities of Levels 1 and 2
  • Act as a climbing facility monitor, offer orientations, belay checks, and orientations for lead climbing
CWI Provider

After 200 hours of experience working in a supervisory and/or instructional experience in the climbing industry and upon reaching the age of 21, a CWI Level 3 can register for the CWI Provider course. The CWI Provider course is delivered in a blended learning format including online content, virtual calls and an 8 hour in person session.

A successful CWI Provider course enables the certificant to:

  • Fulfill the roles and responsibilities of a CWI Level 3 instructor
  • Certify CWI Level 1, 2 and 3 instructors on behalf of the CWA

Download CWI Certification Standard

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WAH Level 1 Technician

Before registering for the WAH Level 1 certification a candidate must be 18 years of age, be able to climb 5.9 on lead, and lift 50 pounds. The WAH Level 1 course is offered in a blended learning format with online content and the in-person 8-hour assessment of technical skills including ascending, descending, and hauling.

These duties and responsibilities can be executed by a certified WAH Level 1 technician:

  • Can be assigned Work at Height tasks on the front side of the wall
  • Assist in rescue activities 
  • Identify and avoid hazards
WAH Level 2 Technician

A WAH Level 1 Technician will be able to proceed forward to the WAH Level 2 certification. The WAH Level 2 is offered in a blended learning format with online content and an in-person assessment of 8 hours in delivery.

Once certified, a WAH Level 2 technician can execute the duties and responsibilities as described below:

  • Can effectively communicate and provide feedback and guidance in a Work at Height setting
  • Enact a Rescue Plan
  • Supervise Work at Height activities
WAH Level 3 Technician: Provider

The WAH Level 2 technician is ready for the WAH Level 3 Provider course once they have worked in a supervisory position in the climbing industry for 200 hours and have reached the age of 21 years. Before the end of the certification course, the prospective WAH Provider will need to complete a minimum of 5.5 hours of First Aid training. The WAH Level 3 course with Provider certification is offered in a blended format with online content, virtual calls with group discussion, and in-person assessment of 8 hours.

A successful WAH Provider course enables the WAH Level 3 Provider to offer the following:

  • Fulfill the roles and responsibilities of a CWI Level 3 instructor
  • Certify CWI Level 1, 2 and 3 instructors on behalf of the CWA

Download WAH Certification Standard

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(Updated August 2024)

PRS Level 1

Any 18-year-old person with an interest in routesetting, a willingness to work on a ladder, an ability to lift 50 pounds, (25 kg), and a basic experience in routesetting is welcome to begin the PRS certification program. Fifty hours of routesetting experience is recommended but not required. The PRS Level 1 course is delivered in a blended learning format with online content and an 8-hour setting day in person.

The following is a list of the duties and responsibilities of an individual who has passed certification:

  • Work on a setting team, under supervision
PRS Level 2 Boulder

A candidate with a recommended 200 hours of routesetting experience on ladders, the ability to understand and demonstrate climbing movement up to V4 meets the prerequisite requirements. This course is offered in a blended format including the in-person practice of routesetting and forerunning skills and with online content.

The following is a list of the duties and responsibilities of an individual who has passed certification:

  •  Use appropriate communication skills with stakeholders (clients, facility 
    employees, owners, operators)
  • Demonstrate sound judgment and follow risk management strategies
  • Work on a setting team
  • Participate in forerunning on boulders.
PRS Level 2 Ropes

A PRS Level 2 Boulder technician with a WAH Level 1 certification, or concurrent enrollment, and the ability to demonstrate and understand climbing movement up to 5.10 and a recommended 150 hours of routesetting experience.

The following is a list of the duties and responsibilities of an individual who has passed certification:

  •  Use appropriate communication skills with stakeholders (clients, facility 
    employees, owners, operators)
  • Demonstrate sound judgment and follow risk management strategies
  • Work on a setting team
  • Participate in forerunning on roped routes.

Download PRS Certification Standard

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Certified Providers of all types can find information here.

For all questions pertaining to Providers, please contact: certifcation@cwapro.org.

The Climbing Wall Instructor Provider Directory allows you to contact your local Provider in your area to certify Climbing Wall Instructors at your facility. You can find this list here.

Indoor climbing gym certification course

Direct Entry

There is a Direct Entry opportunity if you have already been working in the Climbing Wall Industry. To participate in the Direct Entry, you will submit an application demonstrating that your experience and skill exceed the minimum requirement for the certification sought. Successful applicants can then register for the certification and attend an in-person assessment.

Unsuccessful applicants will receive the application fee as a credit toward the appropriate certification course and may register to participate in the online course and in-person delivery and assessment.

Our Direct Entry pathway is available for PRS 2 Boulder and WAH 1 and PRS 2 Ropes combined. For more information click the Direct Entry pathway to see if you meet the requirements.

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