Climbing Wall Provider Course
May 11th through May 17th
Thank you for attending the CWA's hybrid Climbing Wall Instructor Provider training. This course has been designed to offer you the same training as our in-person certifications. This page will be your online hub throughout the course.
Key dates
*There are no grace periods given for the below due dates
May 6th Application materials uploaded
May 9th 10am MT 15 minutes Introductory Zoom Call
May 9th Self-directed learning and written review due
May 11th 10am MT 2 hours - Attend Mandatory group discussion
May 13th 10am MT 2 hours - Attend Mandatory group discussion
May 17th In-person Training
Course Materials
Use these materials to familiarize yourself with the CWI program and the indoor climbing industry's recomended risk management guidance. These documents will help you in your day to day work and help answer some of the questions on the written test for this course.
Finish Application
Due by May 6th
Written Review
Due May 9th
Attend the Discussions
May 11th 10am MT - 2 hours
May 13th 10am MT - 2 hours
Be prepared to discuss your experiences with employees, customers, and colleagues. Sharing our experiences helps to reinforce the learning outcomes for the CWI Provider Course.
In-person Assessment
May 17th 8am MT - Momentum Millcreek
Fill out Momentum's online Waiver